
Pro·phy·lac·tic a medicine or course of action used to prevent disease.

Smart Condoms driving a Smart Social Network.

Our Smart Prophylactic Technology has real-time messaging that has been integrated into the existing platform and apps, this allows us to engage, educate and collaborate with our partners and members. Stay in touch with all of your friends on IntimacyKit, no matter who you are or what device you’re using. Chat one-on-one, with your whole group, or with us @IntimacyKit!

Health Care – Prophylactics fall into the medical devices category and your sexual health is wealth!  We got you covered with prophylactics for both genders and a smart online community.

Education – Teaching high school or college safe sex education? Knowledge and awareness is power! IntimacyKit can be used in all institutions to teach safe sex education both offline and online. Our platform connects teachers and students so that learning never stops.

E-commerce – Shop or open an online store! Place a classified listing or auction! Our platform allows easy flexible communication from Buyer to Seller. Now sellers can chat with users who are on the site or in-app to help them search for exactly what they want.

Virtual Community – Share your photos, videos, music, events, shop, chat, flirt and find intimacy! IntimacyKit is always online to answer any questions you might have and to chaperone you on your dating adventures.

Dating – In recent years, dating applications like Tinder, Grindr, Bumble, Hinge and many more have transformed the way people date and have sex, providing them access to people in their area at the click of a button.They are also fuelling a rise in STIs as more people have casual sex with new partners on a regular basis. IntimacyKit reminds its users directly and subliminally to start the “safe sex” dialogue with new partners and to always use protection.